goDonate portal for goDonate Essential and goDonate Plus
Setting up your 2FA
All charities that work with goDonate will have designated charity administrators who have admin access to the goDonate portal and can add/remove/edit other users from your charity. When the administrator creates your user (and they assign you roles on what you can and can’t access within the goDonate portal), you will first receive an email as below. Please note the email link is valid for only 1 day, so when you receive this please do immediately go and set up your account.
If you haven’t done this in time, then you will need to contact your charity administrator and they can reset your password for you which will trigger another email as below.
Once you have clicked the link you will be presented with a screen to enter your email address and confirm your password. Your password should meet the min requirements of 6 characters, 1 lowercase, 1 uppercase, 1 number and 1 symbol/non-alphanumeric character.
Once you have created your password, you will be asked to log in. Once logged in with your email and password, you will be presented with the 2FA page setup as below.
Open an authenticator app on your phone such as Authenticator by Microsoft or Google Authenticator. If you don't have a two-factor app, we recommend downloading the Microsoft Authenticator on your mobile device's app store.
Microsoft Authenticator instructions:
- Open the app and click the "Verified IDs" icon
- Click “Scan a QR code”
Google Authenticator instructions:
- Open the app and click the "+" icon
- Click “Scan a QR code”
Other authenticator apps can be used, but we have not tested them all, so if there are any issues, please use Microsoft or Google as above.
You will then have a code generated within the authenticator app to enter underneath the barcode. Once entered you will then be presented with the 2FA logon screen as below – just enter a code again and then you are all set!
Logging on with 2FA
When you log on to the goDonate portal you will need to enter your 2FA code on this screen:
To do this, go to your authenticator app on your mobile device. This will be an app you installed on your device, it is likely called authenticator (if you need to search for it), as Microsoft and Google both call them that.
Open the authenticator app and you will see https://portal.go-donate.uk listed, click on that and you will see a 6 digital number appear (it will change every 30 seconds). Enter that number in the box on the goDonate portal as per the screenshot above.
Forgotten password or 2FA details, or changed your mobile phone?
Forgotten your login details or password? Please contact one of the designated administrators at your charity and they can reset your details. Your administrator can also reset your 2FA if you have changed your mobile phone or can’t find the app or details.
Alternatively, if your administrator is not available or you are the only administrator and need help, then you can raise a ticket with us at support@godonate.digital
What if I don’t have a smartphone?
You can download an authenticator app into your desktop browser such as Chrome.
Here is one you can try (note we do not endorse this particular one, it is just an example on the internet).
Once installed, go to the goDonate portal and login. When you are presented with the QR code, open your Chrome extension (from the top right navigation and click then on the barcode scanner icon.
It will then ask you to select the QR code on the screen
Once added you can then open the authenticator extension again and it will provide you with a code which you can use to enter and access the portal